Aerofer was born in Belwaii, a rugged and mountainous country in Earthos. As a member of the Bedaii clan, or spelled Badaii in the Earthos Cadonian language, his people are apart of a loose confederation of more than forty different clans. There are three prominent clans in Belwaii. First are the Torkgen, the Sardu, and lastly the Bedaii. The Bedaii clan are known as retainers who are responsible for protecting forests. The Belwaii are mostly isolated from the rest of Earthos because of a natural mountain range that surrounds it’s borders.
To become a man recognized by all, each Belwaiin must pass a right of passage called the Parseq, which is translated to the ‘Living Pattern.’ The Parseq is a test of physical, mental, and spiritual mettle of each contestant.

Parsicus is the illegitimate son of King Gerott of Cadonia and Resca Taomee. At a young age Parsicus was sent to the Soldier Academy, in part to separate him from his half-brother Iozuh, and would distinguish himself as a natural leader and military strategist allowing him to quickly move up the ranks.
Parsicus successfully lead Cadonian forces in their defense against northern raids carried out by the Azulee clan that inhabited the woodlands on the northern edge of the country. The campaign against the Azulee, led by the noble Chief Crade, culminated in the first Battle of Hamanichi.
Saffaria is the daughter of Chief Waseda, leader of the largest tribe of the Ishkarian horde, the Red Wolf. Saffaria has been touched by the Red Wolf spirit, enhancing her senses. As a warrior she spent years learning to become an expert scout, speaks several different languages, and one day hopes to replace her father as chief.